What is this?

TeleRaid focuses on receiving webhook data from various services to display upcoming Raids in a Telegram Channel to notify its Users and let them vote for attendance.

How to install?

git clone https://github.com/Arengo/TeleRaid.git
cd TeleRaid
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to update?

git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade

Check for changes in the config.example.py file and adjust your config.py accordingly.

How to use?

  1. Put your Telegram bot_id as well as the chat_id you want to send notifications to, into the config.example.py file by replacing the placeholders #Placeholder#.
  2. Specify a webhook address to listen to into config.example.py, default is
  3. Rename config.example.py to config.py.
  4. Setup your service to send webhooks to above’s address.
  5. Run the bot with
    python teleraid.py

Have fun :-)